Practicum Speaker

Join Jason Farley at our pre-conference practicum Starting a Classical Christian School.

This practicum will guide potential founding members through the essential steps of launching a truly Classical Christian School—from establishing board structures and setting up 501(c)(3) status to implementing HR practices. More importantly, it will focus on creating a framework that fosters a truly Classical Christian pedagogy and culture, rooted in wisdom and virtue. And most importantly, you will join with others from around the country who are focused on the same mission and can offer insight, support, and encouragement.

Before embarking on this journey, we are reminded of Jesus’ words: “For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?” (Luke 14:28). Launching a school is a calling that requires careful planning, prayer, and discernment, as well as a willingness to invest in the hard work of shaping hearts and minds for the glory of God.

Join the Concordis Education Partners team in this vital practicum, where you will gain the tools, ideas, and training to move your vision from an idea to a thriving school. Together, we will equip you to count the cost, lay a solid foundation, and build a school that stands as a light in your community.

Jason Farley is the Director of Operations for Concordis Education Partners. Concordis helps launch Classical Christian schools by providing business services, pedagogical training, consulting, and curriculum.