Leader’s Day Speaker
The Classical Disconnect: Movement Ideals versus Classroom Realities
Anthony G. Urti currently serves as Head of School at Delaware Valley Classical School, located in New Castle, DE, and has served as an administrator in CCE schools for the past 6 years. He has practiced law, worked in non-profit organizations, and served as both a teacher as well as a staff member in a major city’s public schools. Anthony was turned on to CCE when he took a degree in Classical and Christian studies from Knox Theological Seminary and has seen the value of teaching students to wrestle with challenging content. He is husband to Nicole (who works with young readers at the school and is an NILD Level 2 therapist) and father to Dominic, Lucia, and Leo, all of whom are students at DVCS. His own formative education pales compared to the one being received by his children, and were he to shout one thing from the rooftops, it would be for parents to read aloud early and often to their young (Read: In the crib) children!