Plenary (Keynote) Speaker

Plenary – Columbus the Crusader: A Window into the Medieval Reforming Traditions

The full legacy of Christopher Columbus is all too easily obscured by the achievements of his Great Enterprise of exploration and discovery. His faith, his education, his worldview, his motivation, and his family all provide us with a window into the oft forgotten tradition of Medieval reformers and reforms that presaged the Magisterial Reformation.

Workshop – A Grand Time: Multi-Generational Succession Planning

The most remarkable attribute of Classical Christian Education is not simply that it offers our children accelerated academics, moral discipling, and substantive worldview training. As valuable and as rare as all these things are, perhaps the greatest value of this approach to education is its enduring value—its effect across the generations, beyond the present, and into the future. Ours is a vision for covenantal succession. But how can we practically prepare for it?

George Grant has started a lot of things and somehow or another he has even managed to finish a few of them. Currently, he is the pastor of Parish Presbyterian Church in Franklin, Tennessee, where he also serves as the director of the King’s Meadow Study Center and teaches at the Franklin Classical School. He has planted four churches, established a fistful of schools and co-ops along with two colleges, accumulated a bottom drawer full of academic degrees, and is the author of enough out-of-print books to keep half the garage sales in the South fully stocked. But, by his own testimony, his greatest accomplishment is his ongoing role as husband of one, father of three, and grandfather of nine (and counting).