Track Plenary Speaker
The Music of the Spheres: Dante’s Pre-Copernican Universe*
Dante’s Divine Comedy presents a perfectly ordered, innately poetic cosmos of exquisite beauty, balance, and harmony. Come join me as we journey, along with Dante, from Hell to Purgatory to Paradise.
Where Athens and Jerusalem Meet: Why Dante Chose Virgil as his Guide*
For Dante and his fellow Medievals, Virgil was not only the greatest epic poet; he was the exemplar of human reason and classical virtue and a proto-Christian whom God used to prepare the ancient world for Christ’s coming.
*This workshop is required for the Foundation Track.
Dr. Louis Markos, Professor in English & Scholar in Residence at Houston Christian University, holds the Robert H. Ray Chair in Humanities. His 26 books include Myth Made Fact: Reading Greek and Roman Mythology through Christian Eyes, Plato to Christ, Achilles to Christ, Literature: A Student’s Guide, CSL: An Apologist for Education, and 3 Canon Press Worldview Guides to the Iliad, Odyssey, and Aeneid. In 2025, IVP Academic will be publishing his Passing the Torch: An Apology for Classical Christian Education and From Aristotle to Christ. His son and daughter teach at classical schools.
When it comes to learning and to teaching, my motto has always been that of Socrates: The unexamined life is not worth living.
– Louis Markos, Houston Christian University