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Accreditation Process

Accreditation Process:

ACCS member schools may apply to become candidates for ACCS accreditation. Through a process of self-study and onsite visits, ACCS accreditation verifies the classical nature of the school’s teaching to ensure that it meets a foundational set of requirements.

When your school is accepted to Candidate status, you gain a partner in ACCS – we are committed to helping your school improve. We will work together to ensure you are prepared for each step of the accreditation process.

Accreditation Stages

ACCS accreditation follows four general stages: 

  • The Pre-visit by our Director of Accreditation
  • The Self-Study: evaluating your school by the Accreditation Standards
  • The School Visit: evaluating your school by the Accreditation Team
  • The Post-Visit Evaluation Report with recommendations

The process generally takes 12 – 24 months to complete. The application, application instructions, and additional accreditation details are contained in the Accreditation Handbook, which you can request using the link below. If you would like more detail about accreditation, please contact Tom Spencer, the Director of Accreditation. 

Accreditation Length

The length is somewhat dependent on the school. Typically, the entire process requires 18 months. On average, schools need one calendar year to complete the self-study. However, if the school can complete the self-study in less than one year, it is possible to complete the entire accreditation process in one academic year.

Accreditation Cost

We encourage schools to budget $7,000, which should cover all costs during the accreditation process. This includes the first half and second half of the accreditation fee, along with the expenses of a previsit and committee visit. 

Step 1: Apply to Become an Accreditation Candidate

Prerequisite: Active ACCS Membership

To start the application process, request the Accreditation Handbook.

Here you’ll find the application and the details you need to know to successfully complete the process.

Step 2: Host a Previsit

Prerequisite: Approved Candidate for Accreditation

Once approved as a candidate for ACCS accreditation, schools schedule a one-day site visit with the ACCS director of accreditation.

Step 3: Complete Your Self-Study

Prerequisite: Approved Candidate for Accreditation

Candidate schools receive instruction helpful to complete their self-study. Schools have up to one year to complete the self-study.

Step 4: Host an Accreditation Committee Visit

Prerequisite: Self-study has been reviewed and approved

This two-day, on-site review by three experienced Heads of School includes classroom visits and interviews with students, faculty, administration and board.

Step 5: Decision on Accreditation

Prerequisite: Draft accreditation report reviewed by school

An ad-hoc committee will review the draft accreditation report and school’s response to the report. Initial accreditation may be awarded for up to two years.

“When your school is accepted to Candidate status, you gain a partner in ACCS – we are committed to helping your school improve. We will work together to ensure you are prepared for each step of the accreditation process.”