Why Choose an ACCS Accredited School?

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If you visit any of our schools, particularly those with high schools, you’ll notice a difference.

There is so much to consider when choosing a school.

What is the tuition? How far is it from home? How large are the classes? Do we know anyone there? Is my child prepared enough to enter at grade level?

With so much to consider, how can you be assured that the school is accomplishing its mission?

This is where accreditation comes in. We do the work to ensure that classical Christian education is actually happening, so that you can focus on whether the school is a good fit for your family.

Though there are more than 300 school members in the Association of Classical & Christian Schools, a much smaller number have earned the designation of an “ACCS-accredited school.”

Why choose an ACCS Accredited School?

1. An Authorized Classical Christian Diploma

Colleges seek ACCS graduates.  Those who attend an ACCS Accredited high school for the allotted time earn an ACCS Authorized Diploma.  ACCS Authorization distinguishes a student and communicates that he or she has accomplished something exceptional.

Note:  ACCS accreditation for schools below the 9th grade does not include Diploma Authorization.

2. Quality Classical Christian Education

No other major accreditor has standards for classical education.  So, if you want a truly classical school, assurance requires that you choose one accredited by the ACCS.

Scripture teaches us that wisdom can be found in the abundance of counselors.  The accreditation process with ACCS offers a means by which the classical Christian school community can learn from one another.  Accreditation with ACCS moved our organization toward excellence by simultaneously encouraging and challenging our entire team.  Taking the time to diligently move through the refining process of accreditation including the self-study and site visit can only help a school accomplish its goal of offering a high quality classical Christian education. Simply put, accreditation makes our schools better. – Aaron Laenger, Veritas Classical Academy (TX)

3. Conservative and Christian

ACCS accreditation assures parents that a school upholds conservative Christian values.  Our in-house teacher certification and curriculum assessment ensures that ACCS schools are independent of outside regulation and influence that may conflict with a Christian worldview.

4. Classroom Excellence

ACCS accreditors are from established, high-performing schools.  Every accreditor observes nearly every classroom during the course of an accreditation visit.  We will not accredit a school that does not reach our standards in the classroom. Other accreditors do not place this emphasis on classroom excellence.

“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17) This is the spirit that ACCS brings to their accreditation process, and it is a privilege to partner with fellow believers to ensure we are delivering on the mission of our school.” – Will Davis, Board Chairman at Regents School of Austin (TX)

5. No Government Interference

Unlike most accreditors, we will not accept government money, nor will we allow our accredited schools to become entangled with programs that could change who they are.