Workshop Speaker
The Value of the Medieval Style of Disputation
The scholastic method of inquiry, also known as the Medieval Disputation, is a very valuable tool which makes use of many of the skills we teach as classical educators. Learning to write medieval disputations gives students the opportunity to exercise their composition, logic, and rhetorical skill all in one place. This exercise is also among the best ways to prepare for a debate topic. In this talk I will teach the value of the method and the “how to” of the exercise.
Dr. Jacob Allee serves as a teacher and upper-school dean at Caritas Classical Christian Academy in Chandler, AZ. He has been formally working in classical Christian education since 2014, but he and his wife homeschooled classically for several years before that. Dr. Allee is also the founder of Study The Great Books, which is committed to producing a classical Christian curriculum that is faithful to the Lordship of Jesus Christ for use in classrooms and homes across the country. He is happily married, and he and his wife, Susan, enjoy raising their four wonderful children. He earned his PhD in humanities from Faulkner University. His academic research focuses on the role stories play in developing the moral imagination and the power stories have to pass on and preserve virtue within a society.