Workshop Speaker

Marketing 101: Telling Your Story, Growing Your School

Joint presentation with Wally Caddow.

This workshop will give schools the basic framework for telling their school’s story and growing their school through best practices in private school marketing.

Matthew J. Dixon, Ed.D., has been a part of classical, Christian education since 2008. After graduating from The Master’s University, Matt immediately began working at Trinity Classical Academy in Valencia, CA, while pursuing additional schooling through The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. During his time at Trinity, Matt has been involved with different administrative roles including overseeing Trinity’s Department of Athletics for nearly 8 years. Additionally, he has taught various classes in the Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric Schools including math, physical education, music, and Bible alongside helping developing a Christian Worldview course for Rhetoric School students as well as a dual-credit, Apologetics course for those in their senior year. Matt’s primary role at Trinity is now fulfilled as the Principal of Grammar School overseeing the daily operations for the school’s TK-6th grades. Matt is happily married to his wife, Sarah, who also works in Christian education at The Master’s University in their Department of Music and together they have two sons, Isaiah and Zachary.