Pod School

No school option that works during COVID? Start a classical Christian pod school.

Most of our schools start with a handful of children from a few families at a table with a teacher. If COVID has your life on hold, there’s never been a better time to start a classical Christian school with the help of our Startup Kit. As a bonus, once COVID has passed, we can help your school grow into a thriving classical Christian school in the coming years.

ACCS Resources

What is a Pod School? Recent Articles:

All About Pod Schools

The Arrival of Pod Schools

Example of a Paid Pod School: The Chapel Hill Pod School

Pandemic pods,” which parents use to collaborate on new educational opportunities, have been the biggest innovation during the COVID-19 crisis. — Matthew Ladner, Newsweek, 4/13/21, Continue Reading at Newsweek

ACCS Resources

Learn more about CCE
Discover our national community (TCD)
Purchase a startup kit and get a free year of membership
Access our extensive resource library— the MRC (members only)