Tom Spencer
TOM SPENCER graduated from Washington State University with a degree in history education and (nearly) a minor in math, after playing Division 1 football for five years. He embarked on his classical Christian educator career as a secondary principal and earned his master’s in education administration from the University of Idaho.
As an ACCS founder and founding board member, Tom brought over 20 years of classical Christian education experience as ACCS conference manager in 2008 and director of accreditation since 2014. He is a contributing author to Repairing the Ruins: The Classical and Christian Challenge to Modern Education and the author of a workbook for training teachers in the Seven Laws of Teaching. Tom and his wife, Gwen, live in Moscow, ID. They are blessed to have four boys and 12 grandchildren, each of whom (except the youngest grandchild, who is too young) has received an education in a classical Christian school.