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Repairing the Ruins Conference

Join us June 18-21, 2025, in Dallas, TX!

Explore a Different Path

“Look for the ancient paths; ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Jeremiah 6:16)

Promote Standards of Excellence

For the past 30 years, parents have trusted ACCS schools to provide quality classical Christian education.

Pursue Christ and His Kingdom

Classical Christian schools have been called a “pearl of great price” in education: greatly valued by those who understand its potential, but less recognized by those who do not.


Year Founded

View the Timeline→

Member Schools

The Meaning of Membership→

Total Students

ACCS Results→

Advancing schools and building kingdom communities through classical Christian education.

Connecting Families

Looking for an excellent education for your child? Visit the School Finder map to find an ACCS member school near you.

Advancing Accreditation

Our path to accreditation and leadership helps schools, administrators, and teachers grow toward excellence and success.

Equipping Startups

Do you dream of starting a classical school? We can equip you with the tools and networks for a successful launch.

Year In Review




February 28

Registration Deadline

Universal Latin Exam (ULE):
A National Latin Exam

April 1


Six Tools to Provoke Wonder

Presented by Dr. Matthew Bianco of the CiRCE Institute

April 3

Entry Deadline

2025 Blakey Prize in Fine Art:
For ACCS High School Students

April 10-11

Spring Regional Summit

Veritas Academy (PA)


April 30

Early Bird Deadline

Register for the Repairing the Ruins conference by April 30 to get the Early-Bird discount!


The Classical Difference

“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” (3 John 1:4)

Well-prepared students are ready to make a difference in the world.

Image: Veritas Academy, Savannah, GA