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Are you looking for a startup school nearby, or considering the idea of starting a school yourself? Maybe you have started the process and want like-minded people to join you?
Below you will see a list of individuals, families, and churches — organized by location— who are looking to start or have already taken the first steps towards starting schools. They are divided by region, which you can see on the map below. If you would like to be that brave initiator, see our Start a School page for help and become a Startup School Member. Classical Christian schools usually have small beginnings. One person with a vision is all that’s needed to start the process!
Sandpoint, ID
I plan to start a Christian Classical education for our children, the children of our city, & their children’s children.
Please check out our website and contact Aaron Guyett at [email protected] if you would like to be involved.
Billings, MT
Montana Christian Academy plans to open the fall of 2025. We are a group of educators, church leaders, and families who aim to restore Christian paideia through Classical Christian Education. The school’s mission is to orient students to God and the world he has created by studying God’s natural and special revelation.
Contact us at [email protected] if you would like to be involved.
Vallejo, CA
Faith Bible Church of Vallejo (45 mins north of SFO) is praying and planning to open K and 1st grade classes at its site. In 2009, Faith Bible Church of Vallejo opened its own Christ-centered early education ministry (capacity: 12 toddlers + 18 preschoolers), Mustard Seed Preschool. In 2014, the church added an additional junior kindergarten/Kindergarten class (capacity: 12 kindergartners).
Since November 2020, amidst the rapid deterioration of morality in society spurred by Northern California liberal public, state and federal government mandates, Faith Bible Church of Vallejo once again seeks to open its church-sponsored Christ-centered K-6th grade elementary school beginning in September 2024, beginning with two lower school classes (capacity: 12 children each class).
In our small corner of the world, Faith Bible Church of Vallejo continues to boldly love God, love people and impact the world around the church through its multiple ministries, specifically through its early education program, and now, its primary school ministry. Please help our urban church pray for the Lord’s direction and guidance for our very own classical Christian school.
Please email Corinna Calica for more information or if you’d like to be involved: [email protected].
Paonia, CO
We are praying to start a Pk-6 CCS in 2024-2025 lord willing.
Contact Kiya and Josh McIntire ([email protected]) for details.
Yuma, AZ
My name is Barbi Zemtsov. I am a military wife & mother looking for other families to join in preparing to start a CCE school here in Yuma. I have two children, age 3 and 1; I currently send my son to a local Christian preschool and further his education at home using the Memoria Press curriculum. I have my bachelor’s degree in Linguistics and have an ESL teaching certificate. God has placed a wild vision in my heart to open a CCE school.
Please contact me if you are interested in joining in prayer and moving forward in this adventure: [email protected].
Montrose, CO
Hello, my name is John DeSario. I pastor Summit Church and plan to start a 3 days a week CCS in 2024 for grades 6-9 using Memoria Press curriculum.
If you want to get involved, please email me at [email protected].
Southern Utah
My name is Rebecca Holman. I am interested in learning more about how to provide a CCE to my children. I cherish a school setting as I think it takes a village to raise a child. Looking for other “villagers” to help create this opportunity in the Southern Utah area. For background, I am a parent of five children. I have a Bachelors in Finance and Secondary Education, was a former PTA president. I am an active Christian.
Please email me at [email protected] to get in touch!
Fresno, CA
Hi, my name is Nick Peugh. I had my first son in August 2022, and my wife is a teacher at a private non-Christian preschool. We are blessed to be able to have our son go to her current preschool when the time arrives, but as soon as Kindergarten hits we are worried what we will do to ensure our child isn’t cast into the public school system. I want the children in the Central Valley of California to thrive in upright and intellectual education. It looks like Fresno, despite being the Christian heart of the state, doesn’t have any CCE schools. We would be interested in finding/founding in the next 4-5 years.
Contact me at [email protected] if interested!
Tomah, WI
We are passionate about bringing a classical Christian school to our area to equip students to be Christian leaders.
Our 3-year plan is to have K-8. We are going to start our school in a local church or other facility. We plan to begin with 1-6th grade and add additional grade levels the following years. The next phase would be expanding into high school.
Please contact Russell Abel for more information: [email protected].
Northfield, MN
We are a group of educators passionate about bringing a classical Christian school to our area. Our six-year plan is to have K-12. We are going to start our school in a local church and then build from there. We will begin with K-5th grade and add an additional grade level year by year.
Please contact Phillip McBride for more information: [email protected]
Jamestown, ND
We are a group of parents, grandparents, & invested individuals planning to open a classical, Christian school in 2026. Our school name is Carmichael Classical Christian School, and we received nonprofit status in February 2024. We have by-laws and policies/documents, and are actively fundraising and holding public forums/informational meetings.
Please email: [email protected] for more information.
Milwaukee, WI
I plan on starting a Christian school K4-5th grade Fall 2025 in Milwaukee, WI.
Email Verlena Simms at [email protected] for more information.
Columbus, OH
Hi, my name is Monica Feller. I’m a homeschool mom doing classical conversations. We desire a hybrid, drop-off classical Christian co-op, 2-3 days/week. We would like to meet with other families interested in building a hybrid model school (co-op) East of Columbus, Ohio.
Please email me to get involved: [email protected].
Normal, IL
White Horse Academy is a classical Christian school that is launching our first school year September of 2024. The Lord has already provided more than 7 committed families, a great building for year, and our lead teacher. We are starting by offering K-3 and are enrolling families now. Please check us out at, and feel free to contact us if you’re interested in supporting or joining our school!
Contact Caleb Hoerr: [email protected].
Council Bluffs, IA
My name is Mark Lickliter. I would like to start an ACCS School in Council Bluffs in 1-3 years. I would like to teach Bible/Theology. Right now I am finishing seminary at RTS.
Email me at [email protected] to get in touch.
Portage, MI
We are a group located in Southwest Michigan starting Civitas Classical Academy. We have been at work on this project for the past couple years and are planning to launch in fall 2024. We believe God is at work rebuilding the ruins of a once thriving Christian culture in West Michigan and a classical Christian school will be crucial to that endeavor, raising the next generation of men and women to boldly live lives obedient to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Email Joshua Bakker at [email protected] for more information!
Dexter, MI
My name is Stacey Wing. I am the chair of a non-profit working to establish a Classical Christian school. We hope to open Fall 2024, grades K-4. Please reach out if you are interested!
Email [email protected] for more information.
Sioux Center, IA
The Classical Academy of Sioux Center is planning to open in fall 2024 in Sioux Center, Iowa as a 4 day/week school.
Please email [email protected] to get involved.
Greensburg, IN
Hi, my name is James Ogle. I am a father of four sons. I want a classical Christian school for my community and children that is harnessed in the grace, truth, and glory of God.
Please email me at [email protected].
Menomonie, WI
Summit Academy is a Christ-centered, PreK-8 school in Menomonie, Wisconsin.
Email Jennie Cimino at [email protected] to get involved!
Glenwood, IA
Hi, my name is Katelyn Johnson! I am a concerned and invested mom of three who dreams of a solid, well rounded, faith based education for my community. Please join me in considering a classical model school startup for our community!
You can contact me at [email protected].
Corydon, IN
Lord willing, Veritas Classical School in Corydon, IN will open a 1 day/week Christian Classical school for homeschoolers in 2024. The need is great and families are looking for answers, so we anticipate quick growth and developing into a K-12 school.
Please email Bonnie Erickson at [email protected] for more information!
South Central
Clarksville, AR
I am interested in starting a K12 classical Christian school in Clarksville, AR with a soft opening Fall 2025.
Please contact Rachelle Kyles at [email protected] if you would be interested in partnering with us in this start up!
El Paso, TX
We have the desire to see a Christ-centered classical school started in El Paso, TX. Beginning Fall of 2025.
If you are interested please get in touch with Brant Small at [email protected]
El Paso, TX
We are prayerfully planning to open a Classical Christian school with hope of starting in September 2024.
The tentative name is King Alfred School; please get in touch with Leslie Hoard at [email protected] to get involved!
New Braunfels, TX
Hi, my name is William Moravits. I am an educator who wishes to provide a CCE to my community as an alternative to progressive education. I have a PhD in Political Science, and am a former Catholic middle school teacher and public high school teacher.
Email me at [email protected] to get in touch.
Huntsville, TX
My name is Clint Allen. I’m a CCE administrator of 20 yrs, and we have started Creed Classical School in Huntsville, TX to the glory of God. Creed Classical School is a startup school whose inaugural year begins Fall 2023. We are a classical, Christian, and collaborative school.
Please email me at [email protected] to get involved!
Utica, NY
We are a group of families seeking to start a Classical Christian school in Central New York by August 2026.
Please contact Nick Gilberti at [email protected] with any questions.
Clifton Park, NY
Servants of the King Academy is a growing classical Christian school in Clifton Park, NY, currently celebrating its second year. We are eager to expand and invite you to join us in this mission! We are seeking dedicated teachers, families, board members, sponsors, and prayer partners to help us restore education in our community.
If you’re located in upstate New York and passionate about supporting this vision, we would love to connect. Please reach out to Mark Hines at [email protected] to get involved.
Manchester, NH
Hello, I’m Matthew Breault. We want to start a CCS to teach generations of our Christian children. We are looking to start a classical Christian school in the Manchester area, starting in 2026 or sooner. We are having monthly prayer and planning meetings.
Please contact me at [email protected] for information. I look forward to hearing from you and partnering to spread Christendom in Manchester.
Boston, MA
My name is Christina Qualls, and I am an experienced educator and school administrator. I would love to start a Boston school. I want to take what I have learned over my years in public and charter schools to establish a classical school that aligns with my Christian beliefs and values. My goal is to start with an elementary school and expand by adding grades each year.
If you are interested in joining this great movement in the city of Boston please reach out to me at [email protected].
New Haven, CT
Hi, my name is Mario Kontomerkos. I’m a retired large business executive with a young family, focused on creating an enduring Classical Christian school in CT. I’m seeking to meet interested parents located in southern Connecticut.
Please email me [email protected] if you’re interested in getting involved!
Providence, RI
We are starting a school in greater Providence (RI) area, looking to launch Fall 2024 with grades preK-4, and adding a grade each year. We’re looking for interested families and potential teachers.
Please contact Jarrod Lynn to get in touch: [email protected]!
New Port Richey, FL
I am a retired chiropractor with extensive children’s ministry experience along with college and public school teaching. My wife and I have been led by the Lord Jesus to start a K-12 classical Christian school, Charis Classical Christian Academy, in Pasco County, FL (New Port Richey/Trinity area). We are praying for serious kindred-spirited families wanting to glorify Christ in the education of their children so their culture is radically changed by Holy Spirit.
If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Chuck Touseull at [email protected].
Ocala, FL
We have formed a 501c3 nonprofit called Grace Classical Academy and hope to open several campuses in Marion County FL. We would love to connect with other start up or expanding schools in Florida to increase the percentage of student population from 10% to 25% in private Christian Schools.
If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Pastor Kenny Rodrigue at [email protected].
Jasper, AL
Hi, my name is Anna Pugh. I will be serving as the Head of School at Imago Dei Academy in Jasper, Alabama.
We will be opening Fall 2025 with a kindergarten and 1st grade, and potentially a 2nd grade. We are blessed to have a small group of like-minded people diligently working to establish our school, but we would love to connect with you if you also have a desire to see a classical Christian school in our area! IDA is governed by a Board of Directors through a non-profit corporation and is continuing to establish relationships with local churches.
Please contact me at [email protected] for more information.
Canton, GA
Hi, my name is Taylor Tankersley. I’m a husband and father who is passionate about classical Christian education.
Our church is based out of Canton, GA and we are starting a classical Christian school. We hope to open our doors in August 2025. We would love to serve our brothers and sisters in our community by providing an excellent education to their children.
Please reach out to Taylor Tankersley at: [email protected] for more information.
Forsyth, GA
Hi, my name is David Martin. I pastor Dayspring PCA Church and am a former classical teacher. We plan to begin a classical school in the fall 2025.
If you are interested or would like more information please contact David Martin at [email protected].
Calhoun, GA
Hi, my name is Paige Williams. I am interested in a classical Christian education for my children and do not have one available in our area.
If anyone in the area is interested in speaking more about possibly starting a Classical Christian School, if there would be interest from the community etc… I would love to chat with you to discuss the potential.
Please email me at [email protected]
Laurel, MS
We have three families committed to starting a classical Christian school. In addition to our three founding families, several other families have expressed interest in enrolling their children. We are diligently working to highlight the truth, goodness, and beauty of the classical Christian education model in our community.
Our families are based in Laurel, MS, a strategic location with a population of 18,000. Laurel is situated 30 minutes from a university and 15 minutes from a community college. While the city itself has a population of 18,000, the county boasts approximately 45,000 residents.
We are currently assessing the level of interest for a particularly classical Christian education within the community, especially considering there is already an established Christian school in the area that does not follow a classical curriculum.
If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Jerod at [email protected].
Pink Hill, NC
Hi, my name is Jessica Long! A good friend of mine and I have been discussing starting a school for our community for quite some time. We desire the classical Christian model for our children. We are in a very rural area and there are limited options close by. We are in the southern Lenoir county/Jones county area.
Contact me at [email protected] if interested!
Hendersonville, TN
Hi, my name is Ryan James. My family was a part of a collaborative classical school before in another state. I’m on staff at a local church and looking to start a school in our area now.
Email me at [email protected] to get in touch.
Forest Park, GA
I am a pastor’s wife seeking people who are interested in their children or teens attending a classical Christian school in Clayton County, GA.
Please contact me at [email protected]!
Rochelle, GA
Hello, my name is Matthew Bishop. I am a concerned and hopeful Christian, planning to start a classical Christian School to retake the education of our kids.
Please email me at [email protected] to get in touch.
Hernando, MS
Hi, my name is Zach Goodrow! I want to start a classical Christian K-12 school in DeSoto County, MS.
Email me at [email protected] to get involved!
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Hi, my name is Cathy. I’m keen to start a classical Christian school or co-op in the Amsterdam area. Is there anyone else interested?
Please email me at: [email protected] with any questions!
Toronto, Ontario
Hi, my name is Polina SanFilippo. I am a former elementary school teacher looking to start a Classical Christian (Orthodox) school in Toronto, Ontario.
I have long wanted to start an elementary school, but since discovering Classical education last year I am now convinced that this is the only kind of education I want to be involved in. I am now looking for like-minded families and possible co-educators to work with me to establish a school. My goal is to open our doors by September of 2029 (or sooner!).
Please contact me at [email protected] for more information.
Guimarães, Portugal
We are planning to open a school in the north of Portugal. We are setting up a missionary foundation to be able to open.
Please contact Thiago Santo at [email protected].
Dublin, Ireland
Hello, my name is Janille Stephens. I taught elementary school in Texas and currently live in Dublin, Ireland. We are hoping to find parents and teachers who are interested in classical education with a mind toward starting a school here in Dublin.
If you are interested, please email me at [email protected].