Performing Arts Teacher
Position Description
Annapolis Christian Academy
Performing Arts Instructor Job Description
Annapolis Christian Academy expects employees to seek excellence in their work (Col. 3:23-24).
The director is expected to be spiritually mature and consistently exhibit/model the spiritual virtues of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, goodness, and self-control before his/her students and the rest of the school.
The director is expected to possess a biblical worldview and to integrate this view in the subjects taught.
The director is expected to submit to the vision, policies, and curriculum established by the school board and enforced by the administration.
The director is expected to actively participate in any staff meetings and school assemblies required for part-time employees.
The teacher is expected to possess the gift of teaching and be devoted to the cultivation of the teaching and theater craft as well as possessing knowledge in the specific area/subject taught.
The teacher is expected to be devoted to/invested in the tradition of the liberal arts and sciences and personally committed to their study and cultivation.
The teacher is expected to be devoted to the pursuit of truth and its concomitant virtues: a willingness and determination to learn, intellectual honesty, and self-discipline.
The teacher is expected to display/model academic integrity, careful scholarship, and excellence in manners, lifestyle, character, and deportment in and out of the class.
The teacher is expected to keep an orderly, neat, organized, clean, and intellectually / aesthetically stimulating learning environment.
The teacher is responsible for organizing and supervising active student involvement in the maintenance of the learning environment.
The teacher is expected to set up simple, manageable class routines to accomplish basic tasks, e.g. taking attendance, homework collection, daily cleaning schedules, materials storage and distribution, etc.
The teacher is expected to be very familiar with and able to apply the spirit, as well as the letter, of all school rules. The teacher is responsible for training and holding students accountable for proper classroom decorum and student deportment.
The teacher is expected to keep an orderly (not necessarily silent) working atmosphere at all times in the classroom.
The teacher is expected to frequently inform and remind students of the class and school rules and encourage them to exercise self-discipline and submission to authority with proper action and attitude.
The teacher is expected to comply with all discipline policies and procedures established by the board and administration. It is expected that the teacher diffuse and deal with the vast majority of corrective discipline situations within the classroom and be in regular contact with parents involving ongoing discipline issues and concerns. When administrative discipline is necessary, the teacher is expected to give the administrator an accurate accounting of the student’s offense.
The teacher is expected to have a thorough knowledge of and interest in the subjects he is assigned to teach as well as a general knowledge and interest in the broader liberal arts and sciences.
The teacher is expected to hold students to high standards of critical / logical thought, clear expression in writing and speaking, and correctness in diction and grammar.
The teacher is expected to teach subjects utilizing the objectives, materials, priorities, and methods prescribed in the Curriculum Guide.
The teacher is expected to help students integrate a biblical worldview into all subjects taught and help them to see how all subjects are interrelated as parts of God’s integrated universe.
The teacher is expected to employ a variety of teaching and acting methods in constructing lessons.
The teacher is expected to both stimulate and maintain the students’ interest in the material taught including frequent comprehension checks and ensuring of active learning.
The teacher is expected to recognize and reasonably compensate for individual student needs and learning styles employing a variety of techniques (in addition to testing) to measure the students’ progress. The school curriculum guide is to be used as the basic guide to measure the overall progress of the class and individual students.
Teachers are expected to maintain a comprehensive course notebook containing syllabi, handouts, tests, quizzes, lecture materials, examples of student work, for each individual subject taught.
The teacher is expected to make available to students and the appropriate administration a comprehensive course syllabus detailing course specifics, expectations, grading procedures, and classroom supplies.
The teacher is expected to submit copies of the weekly lesson plans to the appropriate administrator prior to the regular teaching week at a time determined by the principal.
The teacher is expected to establish weekly, quarterly, and semester plans that reflect the course as described in The ACA Curriculum Guide.
The teacher is expected to regularly communicate with parents of students in his or her class, getting to know the families well, as well as letting them know what is happening in the class.
The teacher is expected to report all grades by the deadlines established by the administration.
The teacher is expected to consistently and joyfully demonstrate pride in Annapolis Christian Academy by his/her work, punctuality, speech, attitude, dress, and attention to duties.
Teachers are expected to supervise study halls, computer labs,, or monitor students before school, at lunch, and after school as assigned by the administration.
Choir Programming
Assists the administration in articulating and documenting a vision for the fine arts department, derived from the schools mission and vision.
Assists the administration in preparing and executing a multi-year plan for introducing and nurturing an instrumental program.
Directs/teaches choirs, instrumental or music classes, and any other assigned courses.
Provides vision and leadership to the instrumental and choir programs at ACA, including the Christmas concert, spring concert, and other annual events for the fine arts department.
Theater Arts
Teaches acting principles and techniques to individuals and groups and conducts readings to evaluate student’s talent.
Teaches enunciation, diction, voice development, and dialects, using voice exercises, speech drills, explanation, lectures, and improvisation.
Discusses and demonstrates vocal and body expression to teach singing, acting, and more.
Sees that all royalties, rental fees, and other fees/bills associated with a production are paid and maintains an accurate record of all expenses and receipts.
Orders all supplies and materials necessary for theatre-related activities, but only after receiving purchasing approval.
Produces and directs plays/productions for two performances, including responsibility for:
All publicity and programs
Script selection and approval
Auditioning students to select cast and assign parts
Appropriate collaboration with the school’s art and music departments
Establishing performance requirements, enforcing academic requirements, and verifying each student’s eligibility to participate in theatre activities (per handbook policies)
Developing a rehearsal schedule
Running rehearsals and drilling students to ensure they master parts.
Set design and construction
Prop and costume/make-up management
Backstage and lighting/sound equipment management
Oversees proper accumulation and organization/storage of theatrical units/costumes and school-owned equipment and material in the small theater and other allocated spaces.
Securing ushers
Organizing and managing ticket sales
Any other duty necessary to the success of a production.
Additional responsibilities:
Submits to principal a year-end oral or written report, including recommendations for programmatic improvements and future programmatic growth.
Other duties as assigned by the principal.
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