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Member Resources

Member Discounts

What discounts are offered to ACCS Members?

Member Resource Center

What tools are in the MRC?

Member Logos

Find logos for your websites and materials.

Discounts for Members

Many businesses offer discounts to our members. For a complete list of discounts, access codes, and other details, please visit the MRC.

What is the Member Resource Center (MRC)?

The ACCS has been at the center of classical Christian education for decades. Our goal is to share the collective experience of our members and our experts through one web-based tool — the Member Resource Center (MRC). Members and their employees can get access to the MRC at Highlights of the MRC are provided below. Along with these, the MRC offers event notices, member discounts, news and announcements, and other materials of interest to our members.


From various publications, to the new ACCS Distinctive School Series, to Classis articles and, of course, ALL of our available conference recording library, we have collected the vision and practice of classical Christian education in one place.


Any project is made quicker with the right tool box.  We mined the riches of our accredited member schools and friends to provide free access to everything from songs and chants, to forms (admission, surveys, or whatever), handbooks, training materials, and every other document a school might need.  The best part, we’ve organized it all for you.  New content is posted regularly.

documents_32pxCurriculum Center

We’ve compiled information about classical Christian curricula.  When this portion of the site is fully integrated and used by our members, it will report how many schools use a particular curriculum, provide key information about its success, and provide cost per pupil information. Some phases are still in development.

profile-male_32pxJob Exchange

We actively recruit college students from classical Christian backgrounds, along with professionals and scholars, to place their CV’s into our talent pool.  And, we collect more information than a typical CV or resume and organize it so that you can find the right candidate for the right position. New applicants are featured in Forum, our regular member newsletter.


Ask questions, converse, and join the conversation about CCE. The forums are accessible for members through the MRC and include discussions about all the important and practical questions involved in running and teaching at a classical Christian school. Continue your discussions at our conference and events.


Everything a member school needs to successfully navigate ACCS accreditation is provided.

trophy_32pxStudent Services

The ACCS has a growing number of student services available.  Our contests and upcoming alumni services are all managed through this area.

Membership: See other member resources

Access to the member resources above is granted via the Member Resource Center. Any employee of an ACCS member school can access them at any time. But member benefits don’t stop there; members join a community of classical educators represented by the ACCS to the watching world through studies and placement in the press. When you become a member, parents will be able to find you via our School Finder and they will know you meet our standards.

See Membership & Benefits

Member Logos and Bugs

For use on member websites and print resources.There are more available in the MRC (including high resolution for print), but a few of the standards are offered here for our members.

Note: Please remember to update your school information in the Member Resource Center so that school finder will market your school well, and link to on your website.



*For use on dark backgrounds.



Association of Classical Christian Schools ACCS logo seal