Coram Deo Academy
Other Locations
E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (682) 237-0232 Address: 4900 Wichita Trl, Flower Mound, TX |
E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (469) 854-1300 Address: 9645 Independence Pkwy, Plano, TX |
E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (972) 385-6410 Address: 6930 Alpha Rd., Dallas, TX |
About Our School Program
Coram Deo Academy offers its classical Christian program of study through two program options designed to allow parents flexibility while achieving the same educational end. Parents may customize their child’s education to meet individual and family needs by choosing from the Signature Program or Five Day Program.
The Signature Program offers families an opportunity to partner with excellent teachers in their children's education. Providing a flexible family schedule and more time together, it is CDA's most popular program option.
Students enrolled in the Signature Program receive professional instruction at school two to three days a week and study at home under the tutelage of their parents the remaining days. Signature Program tuition covers a full academic course load taught on campus two days per week. Students attend core classes all day either Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday with the option to add a full or partial day of electives on Friday at the published rate.
Electives (available to grades Kindergarten and above) provide additional opportunities to explore, create and learn. Classes are offered primarily on Fridays and include art, drama, languages, music, physical education and theology. Some electives are held after school as are all athletics. For High School students, Fridays also include house meetings/assemblies and may include required science and/or math labs (one per year) at no additional cost.
A Monday - Friday program option is available for 5th grade and above at the Dallas and Flower Mound locations. Students enrolled in the Five Day Program attend classes on campus five days/week in a university model schedule and complete their homework assignments on campus in a professionally staffed learning center. Limited tutoring is available through the faculty staffing the learning centers. The Five Day Program provides families the opportunity to partner with excellent teachers in their children's education while taking part in a vibrant learning community.
Five Day tuition includes all school-year electives and athletic programs; summer electives are not included in the Five Day tuition. Fridays are designed to provide additional opportunities to explore, create and learn. Electives include art, drama, languages, music, speech & debate, theology, and yearbook. For Rhetoric School students, Fridays include house meetings/assemblies and may also include required science and/or math labs.
Although most of the Five Day student’s work will be completed in learning center, you, as the parent, still play a vital role in your child’s education. Extensive research, class projects, textbook and literature reading, and studying for quizzes and tests may be beyond what your child can accomplish during Learning Center time. These provide opportunities for you to collaborate and be involved at home. Parents of Five Day students are also expected to assure all assignments have been completed.
About Our Community & Mission
The mission of Coram Deo Academy is to "train ethical servant-leaders and wise thinkers who will shape culture for the glory of God." Coram Deo Academy educates youth in a historic Christian worldview through a rigorous classical curriculum and partners with parents committed to their Biblically ordained role as the primary instructors of their children.
What We Are Known For In The Community
Our Distinctives can be summed up in 3C’s:
· Interdenominational: Without ties to a specific church or denomination, we attract faculty and students from a variety of Christian churches and denominations. With Christians throughout the ages and around the world, we are united together in our commitment to the Scriptures as the Word of God, and we affirm the faith summarized in the words of the Nicene Creed. Rather than viewing our theological diversity as a hindrance to our mission, we embrace the opportunity to begin conversations about our faith in the classroom, which are then brought into your homes and churches. In an increasingly polarized culture, our students graduate with an appreciation for the diverse ways that Christians of different traditions understand the particulars of our faith.
· Our Committed Faculty: Beyond the classroom, students enter into relationships with teachers, staff, and coaches who all seek to model a life lived coram Deo — in the presence of God. In this sense we see theological education at Coram Deo Academy as modeling Paul’s ministry with the church in Thessalonica. On a daily basis students are surrounded by caring adults who see our students as human beings on the path of being made more and more like Jesus, not just as minds waiting to be filled with information.
· Our Curriculum and School Life: A worldview that is rooted in the Bible and Christian theology makes its way into every course we teach, regardless of whether or not the textbook or other classroom tools are created by a Christian publisher. Our highly-trained teachers integrate this worldview into all of our Math, Science, History, Language, and enrichment courses. We require several formal Bible and Theology courses from K-12th grade, and we also offer a full lineup of High School Theology electives. Our Chapel services, which are tailored for each of our various age groups, focus on reading Scripture, prayer, and worship through song. We also have several opportunities for our older students to serve as leaders in various spiritual development offerings.
We know parents are entrusting us with their most precious gifts during a formative period in their lives. Our parents are an active and vital component of the learning at CDA. Most of our students are enrolled in CDA’s Signature Program - a university model schedule going to classes two to three days per week (2 days of core coursework with 1 day of electives on Fridays) and work at home under the tutelage of their parents for the balance of the week. This model allows the family to actually be the God-ordained primary influence on their children. Parents are equipped with assignments, due dates, and grades so they can aid in coaching their students without having expertise in subjects such as Latin, calculus, physics, and rhetoric.
The effort will vary according to your child’s strengths and weaknesses, age and ability, but together, this develops an amazing synergy
The students have the benefit of the classroom experience with a professional educator coupled with one-on-one reinforcement at home all within the framework of a classical approach. It’s such a precious and rewarding time for parents as they work alongside their little ones as they read good books and see the wonder of the world opened up to them.
As students enter those sometimes troubling middle school years where the culture, media, and peer influence begin to tug too much, parents often turn to Coram Deo Academy so they can maintain a greater voice in their children's lives.
Rhetoric school students at CDA benefit not only from the challenging coursework, but from the university model schedule as well. The students learn to handle substantial amounts of reading, as well as math and physics problems to work on their own. They learn how to juggle athletics, off-campus jobs, and volunteer opportunities. These strengthen their college applications but, more importantly, strengthen their character as they learn and develop those crucial time management skills which are so necessary for success in college and rest of their lives.
For some families who need or desire a full time on campus experience, CDA offers a 5-day option at the Flower Mound campus for grades 5 and above. These students still have a "university model" schedule—two days’ worth of core classes coupled with an equivalent of two days of Learning Center time on campus (Fridays are reserved for electives and labs). It is expected that parents remain involved with your child’s school work—discuss the literature, review for a history test together, but the bulk of the student's study will be completed on campus in a supervised learning center.
One of the primary reasons families apply to CDA is so they can be involved in their children’s learning. This is not a part time school—it is full time education -- it’s simply split between two campuses: our classrooms and your home.
Classical education is an invitation, as one writer puts it, to join the “Great Conversation.”
The curriculum at CDA is taught classically through an approach to learning known as the trivium. The trivium consists of the three arts of language: grammar, logic and rhetoric. We can think of these as arts of reading and writing well, thinking well, and communicating well. In more recent times these arts have been connected with stages of child development.
In the grammar stage of learning, the focus is on breaking new concepts down to the required fundamental skills or facts and mastering them through memorizing jingles, chants, and songs.
The logic stage is the study of the relationship of those parts and how they fit or work together, as well as examining arguments.
Finally, the rhetoric stage requires students to articulate their learning through oral and written expression. Students, continuously learning through this time-tested process, acquire the skills that will prepare them to study even more challenging subjects in the future. They are prepared for whatever God ultimately calls them to do because they have mastered the art of learning itself.
At Coram Deo Academy, students in PK4 through 12th grade complete a rigorous, vertically aligned, and systematic course of study. History is studied chronologically from the dawn of the ages to modern times, which provides the outline for the study of literature, art, music, and science. Students read the best authors, such as Homer, Dante, Shakespeare, and Dickens, which not only encourages critical reasoning and sharpens students’ writing abilities, but also develops the moral imagination as students grow in their love for what is good, true, and beautiful. Through the study of mathematics and science, God’s creation and order are clearly illustrated.
Students begin the study of Latin in third grade, which develops logic and problem solving skills while reinforcing a student’s understanding of grammar and language. Studies have shown that students who study Latin perform better in other subjects, on the SAT, and have higher college GPA’s.
About The Area We Serve
Coram Deo Academy has three campuses in the Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex:
- Collin County (Plano, TX): PreK-12
- Dallas: PreK-11 (with first graduating class in 2024)
- Flower Mound: PreK-12
School Information
Contact NameJeff Johnson
ACCS AccreditedYes
Office PhoneN/A
Date Accredited06/09/2021
Office EmailN/A
Year Founded1999
Grades OfferedPre-K, K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
Membership Date12/15/2000
Number of students k-6N/A
Number of students k-6 Non-Traditional1012
Classroom FormatShortened (University model, etc.)
Number of students 7-12N/A
Number of students 7-12 Non-Traditional750
Number of Teachers132
Student Teacher Ratio14:1
International Student ProgramNo
Tuition Range$4505-$8030
Headmaster’s nameJeff Johnson
Church AffiliationNo
Chairman NameN/A
Accredited OtherRegional (SACHS Middle States AdvanceEd)