Crossroads Christian Academy (AZ)
School Information
Contact NameAshley Mathews
ACCS AccreditedNo
Office Phone(520) 500-6440
Date AccreditedN/A
Office Email
Year Founded2023
Grades OfferedK, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th
Membership Date08/09/2022
Number of students k-629
Number of students k-6 Non-TraditionalN/A
Classroom Format5-day Traditional
Number of students 7-1217
Number of students 7-12 Non-TraditionalN/A
Number of Teachers7
Student Teacher RatioN/A
International Student ProgramNo
Tuition Range$-$
Headmaster’s nameAshley Mathews
Church AffiliationNo
Chairman NamePaul Maxwell
Accredited OtherNone