Contact Information
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: (505) 918-7757
Address: 420 North Fork Ave, Paonia, CO
School Information
Contact NameMicaiah McIntire
ACCS AccreditedNo
Office Phone(505) 918-7757
Date AccreditedN/A
Office Email
Year Founded2024
Grades OfferedN/A
Membership Date02/02/2024
Number of students k-6N/A
Number of students k-6 Non-TraditionalN/A
Classroom Format5-day Traditional
Number of students 7-12N/A
Number of students 7-12 Non-TraditionalN/A
Number of TeachersN/A
Student Teacher RatioN/A
International Student ProgramNo
Tuition Range$-$
Headmaster’s nameJoshua McIntire
Church AffiliationYes
Chairman NameAaron Byram
Accredited OtherNone