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New Covenant Christian School (MD)

Contact Information

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: (443) 512-0771

Address: 128 St. Mary's Church Rd, Abingdon, MD

About Our School Program

New Covenant Christian School desires to be a "family of families" committed to the classical and Christian ideals of truth, goodness and beauty, the cultivation of virtue and wisdom, and the integration of faith and learning. Our academic program in the Grammar School includes authentic literature, phonics and grammar instruction and Saxon Math. Our Upper School, college preparatory program allows students to get AP credit for several courses and is rigorous enough to allow 90% of our graduates to be offered sizable college scholarships. Upper School students read the Great Books, enjoy required classes in Debate, Logic and Rhetoric and thrive as members of a "House". These "houses" include a mix in students from grades seven through twelve..,NCCS students annually score very well on the National Latin Exams, the CTP, the PSAT and the SAT and ACT.

About Our Community & Mission

New Covenant Christian School originated with the desire to establish a school that would honor God through a distinctly excellent academic program in the classical tradition. True to that original mission, "We exist to glorify God by assisting parents in training their children to be Biblically-minded servant-leaders through a Reformed, Christ-centered, classical education." Our parents are active in the NCCS Parent Teacher Fellowship and provide a great deal of prayer and physical support to our school. Teachers and parents are true partners at NCCS. New Covenant Christian School has established a clear track record of academic excellence, spiritual discipleship, community service and leadership training while remaining faithful to our founding vision. Each grade level takes on a mission project each year. Activities have included fundraising for the local Crisis Pregnancy Center, trips to the Global Aid International Network headquarters, Operation Christmas Child and work at several local Baltimore missions.

What We Are Known For In The Community

Our annual "Evening for the Arts" brings visitors from around the community where they can see art work, view activities from our Innovation Lab and be treated to dramatic and musical productions. NCCS students take the full responsibility for all areas of production for these shows. The Grammar School annual "Recitatio" gives our neighbors, friends and families a chance to see and hear chants, poetry, and songs from every class knitted together into a seamless production. Race for Education, Field Day, Welcome Back cook-out, Renaissance Faire, Annual Bonfire are just a few of the annual events that bless the NCCS school community.

About The Area We Serve

New Covenant Christian School is a Christ-centered classical school serving Harford and surrounding counties since 1999. We offer a high quality classical education for children of all ages, from preschool through high school. The Grammar School campus (Pre-K - 6th) is located in Abingdon, which lies 25 miles norteast of Baltimore. The Upper School campus (Grades 7-12) is located in Bel Air. The town of Bel Air is the county seat of Harford County, Maryland and is the center for cultural, medical and commercial institutions in the county.

School Information

  • Contact Name
    Jillian Grammer
  • ACCS Accredited
  • Office Phone
    (443) 512-0771
  • Date Accredited
  • Office Email
  • Year Founded
  • Grades Offered
    K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
  • Membership Date
  • Number of students k-6
  • Number of students k-6 Non-Traditional
  • Classroom Format
    5-day Traditional
  • Number of students 7-12
  • Number of students 7-12 Non-Traditional
  • Number of Teachers
  • Student Teacher Ratio
  • International Student Program
  • Tuition Range
  • Headmaster’s name
    George Jaggers
  • Church Affiliation
  • Chairman Name
    Jon Struble
  • Accredited Other