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St. Stephen's Classical Christian Academy (MD)

Contact Information

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: (410) 795-1249

Address: 2275 Liberty Road, Eldersburg, MD

About Our School Program

The education system called “classical education” was developed over two millennia with the goal of producing wise young minds. This education produced great thinkers, leaders, and scientists like St. Augustine, John Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, Isaac Newton, and our country’s founding fathers. Classical education begins with the Trivium, which contains three parts: Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric. These stages correspond with how children naturally develop intellectually. These disciplines are not taught as subjects but rather as a method for learning all subjects. The chief goal of classical education is to master the tools of learning, so the student can master any subject. Grammar (Grades K – 6): Students are taught the basic facts in each subject. Students are excited about new facts and can memorize easily. For example, they memorize math tables, grammar rules, and presidents using enjoyable songs, chants, and motions. Logic (Grades 7 – 8): Students are taught to ask questions respectfully and to put facts into logical order. Students learn to judge, critique, and debate facts they have been taught. Formal and informal logic are taught during this stage.

About Our Community & Mission

SSCCA began with a common vision placed by God into the hearts of a few parents from St. Stephen’s parish and the local Christian community. The intent was and still is to provide a quality education for children from Christian parents in an environment that acknowledges the Lordship of Jesus Christ over all things temporal and spiritual. The classical approach was chosen because it works best. A parish setting was chosen because it is God’s means to train up His people. SSCCA is a classical and Christian school, committed to the academic excellence promoted in the Trivium, teaching in the light of a Christian worldview, that is grounded in the Old and New Testament Scriptures. The ideals of SSCCA in the year 2000 are the same today. Where we have matured is in our ability to adapt classical Christian curriculum to the variety of students who attend the Academy. Our teachers are not only gifted to teach well but experienced to teach the curriculum so that every student reaches his or her potential. SSCCA holds membership with both the ACCS-Association of Classical and Christian Schools, and ACSI-Association of Christian Schools International. SSCCA remains centered on the essentials of offering a quality education within a God fearing environment. We are committed to continue the same until He returns. Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto!

School Information

  • Contact Name
    Ashley Ebersole
  • ACCS Accredited
  • Office Phone
    (410) 795-1249
  • Date Accredited
  • Office Email
  • Year Founded
  • Grades Offered
    Pre-K, K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th
  • Membership Date
  • Number of students k-6
  • Number of students k-6 Non-Traditional
  • Classroom Format
    5-day Traditional
  • Number of students 7-12
  • Number of students 7-12 Non-Traditional
  • Number of Teachers
  • Student Teacher Ratio
  • International Student Program
  • Tuition Range
  • Headmaster’s name
    John Dykes
  • Church Affiliation
  • Chairman Name
    Eric Jorgensen
  • Accredited Other